"Adding value in the industry by support adapted to your specific needs"

Offered services

Interim management

  • CEO, President, General Manager, COO, roles within COO responsibility area

Project or support assignments in the following areas

  • Development (Product-Supply Chain-Market-Sales)
  • Analysis, planning and structuring (Market-Product planning-Product platforms-Manufacturing-Supplier Base, Project portfolio, Industrial management and working procedures, Strategy and business planning)
  • Efficiency/Cost reductions/Turn around
  • Restructuring/closures (products-factories-organization-moves-phase-in/out, closures)
  • Start-up and scale-up business (planning/execution/tracking methodology for a safer, simpler and speedier business development – one (1!) concept for all stakeholders)
  • Due Diligence participation, assessments, verification analysis
  • Board memberships

for start-up and scale-up businesses or established industries and organizations, international operations. Projects, short assignments or advisory support


mission is to improve the results of industrial enterprises and businesses through the application of best practices gained via experiences in a variety of industrial leadership positions in several countries carrying out challenges often achieving results beyond the ordinary


is a small company with the capability to work with all levels of management to develop concrete improvement actions for immediate results. Creates value for its customers beginning with a clear understanding of improvement needs, and agreed actions with defined expected results.

About us

is led by Torbjörn Assarsson former executive at AB Volvo, Electrolux and Powercell. Through his extensive executive and industrial experience he has developed a robust and practical know-how as well as a rich set of tools and contact networks - both in the established industry and start-up company environments.